Despite visiting roughly the same areas, the time that has elapsed between the cry for help and Barry’s arrival have seen the undead begin to decompose and become skeletal - a subtle effect that reveals elements of the story before they are explicitly revealed and stops the backtracking just feeling like filler.Ĭoming on a rescue mission, Barry is also better equipped. There is a definite difference in tone between the two halves of the story.

Once free they send an SOS that attracts Barry, who arrives prepared to fight but not to meet Natalia. It is an oppressive, intimidating environment for them to fight through as they try to escape and discover the truth behind the facility in which they are trapped with shambling half dead creatures. You start with Clare and Moira as they awake in a dismal, dilapidated prison. Each pair of characters move from one horrifying environment to the next, with a focus on dispatching any undead that cross their path with tight over the shoulder shooting. The other half of the tale takes place 6 months prior to these events, and follows Clare Redfield (RE2 and RE: Code Veronica) and Barry’s daughter Moira.Ĭontinuing the more action focused format that the franchise shifted to during RE4, Revelations 2 is quite a linear experience. Occupying one side of the story are Barry and a mysterious young girl named Natalia. He is not alone however, as there are a total of four playable characters in all.